iLoy - Solution

Module «Loyalty»

Loyalty is the control center behind your customer loyalty efforts. Thanks to the Loyalty module, you create individual loyalty programs and manage customer cards.


With the LoyaltyProgram module, you can create and manage extensive customer loyalty programs. With the powerful loyalty engine, configuration possibilities are almost limitless. This enables you to create complex earn and burn rules and configure the associated triggers and rule-based events and accelerators.


Managing your loyalty cards — whether physical, digital or tokenized — is easier than ever with the intuitive LoyaltyCard module. The module’s high customizability gives you the option of configuring different card types and linking them to specific loyalty rules, covering all use cases related to your loyalty cards and the associated loyalty activities.


The Coupon module facilities simple management and evaluation of personalized customer discounts and vouchers, which can be configured as you like, and can also be combined with each other if desired. All marketing activities in connection with coupons and vouchers are always firmly under control.


The GiftCard module empowers you to create and manage gift cards for your stores, web shops, apps, and other features centrally in one place. Such wise, you always have an overview of information and value of gift cards that have already been created, are in circulation, redeemed or have already expired.

Module «Loyalty» - Key Benefits

Innovative and super flexible Loyalty Engine

Initiates effective customer loyalty actions in real time. The customer is rewarded immediately and individually and experiences an exciting customer relation.

Top satisfied Customers

High quality customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Top Customer Experience

Personalized and individualized loyalty marketing for superior customer experience.

Limitless Loyalty Programs

Powerful loyalty engine for all conceivable earn and burn rules.

Real time Loyalty

Instant rewards anywhere, at the point of sale or online.

Lower Costs

Lower costs due to high marketing automation.

Improved Profit

Higher profit through sustainable customer loyalty.